Friday, February 7, 2014

Thomas Paine 

 Thomas Paine is an extremely important character in the American Revolution. It probably wouldn't have happened without him. He was a wise man, ironically he failed out of school, and then became a seamanMetaphorically, I like to see him as a your best friend who tells you to not be a coward, to just ask the girl out. Thomas Paine is the author of the famous pamphlet "Common Sense". 
He single handedly impulsed and gave the colonists the confidence to declare revolution, but his radical views on religion would destroy his life, and on the final moments of his life, very few people attended his funeral. 

     Thomas Paine was born on January 29,1737 Thomas was born in Thetford, England. He failed put of school by the age of 12 , he was then homeschooled by his father, but didn't succeed. At the age of 19, he went on an adventure to the sea, which didn't last too long and found himself as a tax officer in England a few years later. He failed at the task yet again, getting discharged from his office two times in four years , but later published the essay called "The Case of the Officers of Excise" arguing for a pay raise for the officers. He moved to Philadelphia in 1774. In 1775 he published his first pamphlet "African Slavery in America" criticizing slavery in America, showing how much of an advance thinker he was for his time. 

 Sadly, Paine wasn't always a succesful man. After being imprisoned by Louis XVI for writing against te church system (which was his most famouse work of the time) his life took a turn. By the end of his life he discovered that his contributions to the American Revolution had beed destroyed by religious views. Declined by the public and left by his friends, he died on June 8, 1809 at the age of 72 in New York City.

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